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[新品] 输送机

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地区 山东省 淄博

用刮板链牵引,在槽内运送散料的输送机叫刮板输送机。KS刮板输送机刮板输送机的相邻中部槽在水平、垂直面内可有限度折曲的叫可弯曲刮板输送机。其中机身在工作面1和运输巷道交汇处呈90度弯曲设置的工作面输送机叫"拐角刮板输送机"。 在当前采煤工作面内,刮板输送机的作用不仅是运送煤和物料,而且还是采煤机的运行轨道,因此它成为现代化采煤工艺中不可缺少的主要设备。刮板输送机能保持连续运转,生产就能正常进行。否则,整个采煤工作面就会呈现停产状态,使整个生产中断。

With scraper chain traction, in the trough to transport bulk conveyor called scraper conveyor.

KS scraper conveyor scraper conveyor adjacent to the middle trough in the horizontal, vertical plane can have a limit of bending scraper conveyor.

Among them, the working face conveyor whose fuselage curves 90 degrees at the intersection of working face 1 and transportation roadway is called "corner scraper conveyor".

In the current coal mining working face, the role of the scraper conveyor is not only to transport coal and materials, but also the running track of the shearer,

 so it has become an indispensable major equipment in modern coal mining technology.Scraper conveyor function to maintain continuous operation, production can be normal.

Otherwise, the whole coal mining face will appear to stop production, so that the entire production is interrupted.

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